Celebrate Mississippi’s Fiber Heritage

with Members of the

Chimneyville Weavers and Spinners Guild


The Chimneyville Weavers and Spinners Guild (CWSG) was formed in 1980 by a group of handweavers who wanted to preserve and expand their craft in Mississippi. Several guild members are also juried members of the Craftsmen’s Guild of Mississippi, which helped form the CWSG and with whom they partner in a number of events.

The Chimneyville Weavers and Spinners Guild is also a member of the Handweavers’ Guild of America (HGA), the national organization of weavers and other fiber artisans and artists, and it supports HGA's Fiber Trust.

The goals of the CWSG are to foster weaving and spinning, to provide an environment of growth and sharing for its members, and to educate the public about the role of fiber today and throughout Mississippi history.